Great Plains IT Solutions: Your Local Tech Support Specialist

Read Below on how AI is affecting businesses for the better!

Remember that AI is not here to take jobs away, leveraged correctly AI is like giving your entire staff their own assistant.

Revolutionize your workflow:

Automate and streamline your workflows with expert tech consulting

What we do:

At Great Plains IT we specialize in automating workflows using the most cutting-edge tools to help businesses streamline their processes. We will work with you to identify inefficiencies and implement solutions that save time, reduce errors, and boost productivity. Using tools that you already have access to through your Microsoft subscription such as power automate or using third party tools such as Zapier We can observe your process and implement tools into your existing system.


Through this observation and implementation, we can automate tedious and medial tasks so that you and your staff can focus on what’s important. By automating those simple and time-consuming tasks you'll find that your staff will appreciate the time saving while giving them the opportunity to do the meaningful revenue generating activity that will grow your business.

What People Are Saying

Re-imagining Business Workflows with AI-Powered Automation

“decisioning AI is enabling customers to more readily extract and analyze data so they can make better decisions and take actions with greater confidence. Low-code solutions ensure customers can accelerate the time to value from their automation implementations.”

— CIO Tungsten Automation

The Big Picture

Intelligent Workflows: Automation & AI transforming business

“They’re not merely about automating processes; they’re about optimizing them, learning from data patterns, and subsequently, providing recommendations or automating decisions to enable more agile, efficient, and effective operations,”

— Technology Magazine, Marcus Law

Effectively Harnessing AI And Workflow Automation To Improve The Customer Experience

“AI and workflow automation allow companies to provide faster and more accurate customer service, such as assisted onboarding, to create a smoother overall user experience. Keen understanding and the proper usage of these technologies are key for any business looking to enhance its customer experience at every stage of its journey.”

— Forbes, Stanley H. Huang

The idea behind AI implementation is that it makes life easier, You don’t have to feel like your falling behind because you are not using all the available tools, but by taking the small steps using it here and there you can push your business in a better position to leverage some of the new tools available and give your business an edge that you competition doesn’t have.

Schedule a Consultation with Great Plains IT Solutions Today!

Are you looking to streamline your business's technical processes, generate more leads, and increase revenue? Great Plains IT Solutions is here to help. By leveraging cutting-edge AI technology and expertise in internet optimization, we can tailor a solution to meet your specific needs and propel your brand's recognition to new heights.

Schedule a brief consultation with us today to explore how Great Plains IT Solutions can help satisfy your technical requirements. Let's work together to enhance your online presence, maximize lead generation, and ultimately boost your business's bottom line. Reach out to us now to schedule your consultation!

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

-Eleanor Roosevelt